Thursday, August 12, 2010

Tell, tell sign that I have been living here in Vegas too long

Yesterday as I was walking into work (with my black pants and chef's coat mind you). I was thinking what a nice day it was, not too warm, really nice. Then I found out that it was 97! So, so sad. Yep I have been living here way too long!

I'm taking my camera into work tonight to snap shots of the summer desserts. So my next post will contain all sorts of yummyness.

Monday, August 9, 2010

What I have been up to lately

I love the idea of canning but I am quite the novice. So when my sister in-law that lives here called me up and asked me if I wanted to come over and do some applesauce and pie filling I jumped right on it. Here's what I took home, isn't it a beautiful sight?!

I am never at a loss for projects around here. While I'm watching TV or a movie I always have to be doing something with my hands and it's usually crocheting.
There seems to be a lot of people I know having babies lately so here is the little pile of burp cloths I have going.

Not that many boys, just girls seem to be being born lately.
My latest quilt, a small lap sized one. My favorite color is blue for as long as I can remember it has been. One of my favorite combinations with it is brown. And I have to admit I was almost disappointed when it became so popular as a color combination, only because it will look out dated very soon.

I love the fabrics in this quilt!

And another shot, I am just tickled "blue" at the way it turned out!
I am such a suck for Americana themed things. I love the month of July my heart just fills with pride and joy for this great country that we live in. So here is a wall hanging that I finally finished. I don't know why but this one sat on my table unfinished FOREVER!

This last month I finally gave a quilt away that has been sitting in my sewing room for years. I couldn't take any pictures of it because it was a surprise for my new niece Marisol. I wanted it to be one of the first things that she, and she alone owned. Something that she didn't have to share with a dozen other kids in an orphanage. Years ago I asked my sister what her favorite color was and with the color purple in mind I went to work. And then it sat and sat collecting dust, 2 years later she was wrapped up in it. And guess what I forgot to take a picture of it so I'll have to have my sister take a picture of Marisol with the quilt and sent it to me.