Saturday, October 10, 2009

How it all began

My mother was a "glue gunner". So when I wanted to learn how to cross stitch and sew I was kind of on my own. I took classes that were available in school and the community but they didn't scratch that itch. It wasn't until I was 17, just about ready to graduate from high school when I went to a weekly church youth activity. There I was introduced to quilting by my young women leaders, Lisa Garlick and Jill Mortensen. It was love at first sight. I fell in love with the fabrics, the patterns, the antique feel as well as the home-made aspect of it all.

I am a pro at beginning new project and not finishing old ones. I just get so excited when I walk into a quilt shop and see new patterns or fabrics that I immediately purchase things for a new project and then sadly all the other projects get forgotten. Hopefully this blog will give me the encouragement needed to finish projects.

My wonderful husband and I finally purchased our first home, I still can't believe that I live in Vegas (I really hate the heat, I'm more of an Eskimo) but in this home I have an entire room to myself. I've never had a sewing room to myself, so now it needs to be put to good use.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! You joined the blogging world! So fun to see your page and very cute name! I love it!
