Monday, September 5, 2011

Where did the summer go? Its already September?!

Well the winds of change have been blowing through our house. Lots of exciting things will be happening in our neck of the woods. But for fear of jinxing, I'll hold off on a couple of things for a few more months until everything is set in stone.

One that I will talk about is my job. Back in August a position became available in the cake room at work. I applied and received the job. I was beyond excited. For as long as I can remember I have wanted to do cakes. Large or small, elaborate or simple it didn't matter. It was something that one day hoping I was good enough that I would be able to do on my own or even out of my home. For the past few years I have dabbled a little bit in this and luckily most of the recipients were friends and they didn't mind my lack of experience. But now I feel like I can do so much more even with only a few weeks of experience.

I feel like a kid in a candy store every day, full of excitement and questions "What's this? How do you do that? What are you making?" But most importantly: "Will you show me how to do that?" and "Can I try that?" Its great. And as soon as I can figure out how to pull off pictures from my new phone I will have loads to show. Its just too fun!


  1. yay!!! You have always been so good at cakes. Can't wait to see what a little more experience has brought to the table :)

    oh, and we missed your goodies at the founders day booth ;( next time :)

  2. How fun! I can totally see you making cakes all day! Want to make Daisey's birthday cake? You'll have to come up and visit in a week! :) Maybe some day? I'm glad all is going well for you guys! (((hugs)))

  3. you have been wanting to play with cakes for as long as I've known you. How fun that you have a job that you love so much. I seriously can't believe we missed each other last weekend. But I promise we are going to catch up on Monday!
